At the AGM members re-elected all the officers for a further year. The Chairman thanked all members for their support during the year and emphasised on the team ethic. He listed numerous events that had been held which proved to be very successful.
A total of £24,363 was approved by the committee during the year for the purchase of equipment for various dept./wards of Glangwili Hospital.
The treasurer presented the annual accounts which had been prepared by an independent qualified accountant.Yn y Cyfarfod Blynyddol ail etholodd yr aelodau y swyddogion am flwyddyn arall. Diolchodd y Cadeirydd i’r aelodau am eu cefnogaeth yn ystod y flwyddyn a phwysleisiodd bwysigrwydd moesoldeb tim. Rhestrodd nifer o ddigwyddiadau a gymerodd le
ac a fu yn llwyddiannus tros ben.
Cyflwynodd y Trysorydd y fantolen am y flwyddyn a baratowyd gan gyfrifyddd awdurdodedig.